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Text File  |  1996-06-24  |  4KB  |  349 lines

  1. #LID 1033 0 347
  2. abd:and
  3. acn:can
  4. adn:and
  5. aer:are
  6. agian:again
  7. agina:again
  8. ahd:had
  9. ahev:have
  10. ahppen:happen
  11. ahs:has
  12. ahve:have
  13. ai:i
  14. alomst:almost
  15. almsot:almost
  16. alreayd:already
  17. alwasy:always
  18. alwyas:always
  19. amd:and
  20. amke:make
  21. amking:making
  22. anbd:and
  23. anytying:anything
  24. athat:that
  25. audeince:audience
  26. aveh:have
  27. avhe:have
  28. awya:away
  29. bakc:back
  30. baout:about
  31. barin:brain
  32. bcak:back
  33. becasue:because
  34. becuase:because
  35. befoer:before
  36. bera:bear
  37. boaut:about
  38. bve:be
  39. casion:casino
  40. ceratin:certain
  41. chari:chair
  42. chasr:characters
  43. claer:clear
  44. claerer:clearer
  45. claerly:clearly
  46. clera:clear
  47. cna:can
  48. constatn:constant
  49. coudl:could
  50. coudln:couldn
  51. cpo:cop
  52. cpoy:copy
  53. cxan:can
  54. dael:deal
  55. deram:dream
  56. diea:idea
  57. doens:doesn
  58. doign:doing
  59. donig:doing
  60. dreasm:dreams
  61. drnik:drink
  62. dya:day
  63. dyas:days
  64. eb:be
  65. efel:feel
  66. eh:he
  67. ehr:her
  68. eles:else
  69. em:me
  70. ened:need
  71. enxt:next
  72. erally:really
  73. esle:else
  74. ethose:ethos
  75. ev:ve
  76. eveyr:every
  77. eyar:year
  78. eyars:years
  79. eyasr:years
  80. eyt:yet
  81. fe:few
  82. fi:if
  83. fianlly:finally
  84. fidn:find
  85. fiel:file
  86. fiels:files
  87. firends:friends
  88. firts:first
  89. fo:of
  90. fomr:from
  91. foudn:found
  92. frist:first
  93. fro:for
  94. fwe:few
  95. gerat:great
  96. godo:good
  97. gogin:going
  98. gonig:going
  99. goign:going
  100. grwo:grow
  101. graet:great
  102. grat:great
  103. greta:great
  104. gte:get
  105. hace:have
  106. haev:have
  107. hda:had
  108. herad:heard
  109. hera:hear
  110. herat:heart
  111. hge:he
  112. hismelf:himself
  113. horus:hours
  114. housr:hours
  115. hre:her
  116. hsa:has
  117. hsi:his
  118. hte:the
  119. hten:then
  120. htere:there
  121. htey:they
  122. hting:thing
  123. htikn:think
  124. htink:think
  125. htis:this
  126. hvae:have
  127. hvea:have
  128. hvaing:having
  129. hwihc:which
  130. hwile:while
  131. hwole:whole
  132. idae:idea
  133. idaes:ideas
  134. idesa:ideas
  135. ihs:his
  136. ik:i
  137. ikt:it
  138. io:i
  139. ity:it
  140. iu:i
  141. inot:into
  142. iwll:will
  143. iwth:with
  144. jeapardy:jeopardy
  145. jstu:just
  146. jsut:just
  147. konw:know
  148. konws:knows
  149. knwo:know
  150. knwos:knows
  151. kwno:know
  152. leanr:learn
  153. leran:learn
  154. lerans:learns
  155. levle:level
  156. lief:life
  157. liek:like
  158. liekd:liked
  159. littel:little
  160. liuke:like
  161. liev:live
  162. loev:love
  163. lsat:last
  164. lveo:love
  165. lvoe:love
  166. makse:makes
  167. mena:mean
  168. menas:means
  169. mkae:make
  170. mkaes:makes
  171. mkaing:making
  172. mkea:make
  173. moent:moment
  174. moeny:money
  175. moer:more
  176. movei:movie
  177. mroe:more
  178. mysefl:myself
  179. myu:my
  180. nad:and
  181. ni:in
  182. nkow:know
  183. nkwo:know
  184. nto:not
  185. nwe:new
  186. nwo:now
  187. oaky:okay
  188. od:do
  189. oen:one
  190. oging:going
  191. oi:i
  192. oif:of
  193. omre:more
  194. onot:onto
  195. ont:not
  196. onyl:only
  197. ot:to
  198. otehr:other
  199. otu:out
  200. owrk:work
  201. owudl:would
  202. paide:paid
  203. palce:place
  204. peom:poem
  205. peoms:poems
  206. peopel:people
  207. peotry:poetry
  208. perhpas:perhaps
  209. perhasp:perhaps
  210. perphas:perhaps
  211. probelm:problem
  212. pu:up
  213. pwoer:power
  214. qtuie:quite
  215. qutie:quite
  216. rae:are
  217. raelly:really
  218. reacll:recall
  219. realyl:really
  220. recrod:record
  221. rela:real
  222. relaly:really
  223. rewriet:rewrite
  224. russina:russian
  225. rwite:write
  226. sa:as
  227. sasy:says
  228. scirpt:script
  229. scripot:script
  230. seh:she
  231. shoudl:should
  232. shoudln:shouldn
  233. si:is
  234. smae:same
  235. smoe:some
  236. snese:sense
  237. soem:some
  238. sohw:show
  239. soudn:sound
  240. soudns:sounds
  241. sotry:story
  242. sotyr:story
  243. sould:soul
  244. soulds:souls
  245. stroy:story
  246. stoyr:story
  247. stopry:story
  248. storeis:stories
  249. storise:stories
  250. stnad:stand
  251. stpo:stop
  252. strat:start
  253. suer:sure
  254. sya:say
  255. syas:says
  256. ta:at
  257. taeks:takes
  258. tahn:than
  259. taht:that
  260. tath:that
  261. talek:talk
  262. talekd:talked
  263. teh:the
  264. tehy:they
  265. thgat:that
  266. tghe:the
  267. ther:there
  268. theri:their
  269. thge:the
  270. thier:their
  271. thign:thing
  272. thigns:things
  273. thigsn:things
  274. thikn:think
  275. thikns:thinks
  276. thikning:thinking
  277. thiunk:think
  278. thna:than
  279. thne:then
  280. thnig:thing
  281. thnigs:things
  282. thsi:this
  283. thsoe:those
  284. thta:that
  285. ti:it
  286. tiem:time
  287. tih:with
  288. tihkn:think
  289. tihs:this
  290. timne:time
  291. tiome:time
  292. tje:the
  293. tjhe:the
  294. tkae:take
  295. tkaes:takes
  296. tkaing:taking
  297. tlaking:talking
  298. todya:today
  299. toi:to
  300. tongiht:tonight
  301. towrad:toward
  302. tp:to
  303. turnk:trunk
  304. twon:town
  305. ty:t
  306. tyhat:that
  307. tyhe:the
  308. tyo:to
  309. tyr:try
  310. uin:in
  311. upw:up
  312. veyr:very
  313. vrey:very
  314. vyer:very
  315. vyre:very
  316. waht:what
  317. watn:want
  318. wehn:when
  319. whcih:which
  320. whic:which
  321. whihc:which
  322. whta:what
  323. wief:wife
  324. wiht:with
  325. wirting:writing
  326. wiull:will
  327. wnat:want
  328. wnats:wants
  329. wnated:wanted
  330. woh:who
  331. wohle:whole
  332. wokr:work
  333. woudl:would
  334. woudln:wouldn
  335. wriet:write
  336. wrok:work
  337. wroking:working
  338. wroet:wrote
  339. wsa:was
  340. wtih:with
  341. wya:way
  342. ytou:you
  343. yera:year
  344. yeras:years
  345. yersa:years
  346. yeasr:years
  347. yse:use
  348. yuo:you